The 2023 Alaska Music Summit

Hosted in Juneau and online on Saturday, January 14th

View the virtual 2023 Alaska Music Summit anytime, and feel free to share and make use of the many resources shared that day.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, the summit is free to attend. But if you attended and you appreciate the content and resources collected here, your donation is gratefully welcomed via Paypal at any time.

Join our mailing list to be invited to future meetups, workshops, and the next statewide summit!

The Alaska Music Summit is a statewide convening of music makers and community stakeholders, organized by AKIMI, the Alaska Independent Musicians Initiative. In 2023, the Summit took place in Juneau, AK on Jan. 14th, 2023, but presenters and participants joined us from around the state and around the world. Gunalchéesh to all involved!

Key segments and presenter links:

0:00:00 INTRO
- Marian Call, AKIMI (host) - Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
- Lyle, Kolene, and Corrine James (Woosh.ji.een Dance Group) - Opening song
- Yngvil Vatn Guttu, AKIMI/Northern Culture Exchange (host) - Welcome
- Andrea Noble (Alaska State Council for the Arts) - Welcome from ASCA
- Reggie Schapp (Juneau Arts & Humanities Council) - The JAHC welcomes you to the JACC

0:20:42 AKIMI and NCE
- Yngvil Vatn Guttu and Marian Call

0:32:47 ARTIST HOUR: presentations by and for music makers
- Artist check-ins: Ed Littlefield Shaakindustóow // Justin Smith (Rusty Recordings) // Ashley Young
- Kat Moore (The Forest that Never Sleeps), performer, composer, educator -
- Codie Costello & Dan Anteau (University of Alaska Anchorage Dept of Theatre and Dance / Alaska Center for the Performing Arts) - New collaborative program for technical stagecraft training
- Derek Haukaas (Frostline Studios), producer - Producing Indigenous artists
- Ed Littlefield Shaakindustóow, composer, performer, and educator - Bringing a Tlingit perspective to composing and teaching
- Pat Race (Alaska Robotics/Lucid Reverie Creative Design), filmmaker - Licensing music for film
- Lisa Hawkins (Pipeline Vocal Project), performer, arranger - Global Touring from Alaska

1:43:44 DATA HOUR: studying our own music scene
- Kat Moore (The Forest that Never Sleeps), performer - presenting the new song "Fill the Room"
- Meara McLaughlin (MusicPortland, MusicOregon), music community organizer and researcher - Why data matters to an independent music scene
- Diane Hirshberg (ISER (Institute of Social & Economic Research) - University of Alaska), Alaska researcher - How to get good arts data in Alaska
- Marian Call (AKIMI) - about the upcoming Music Census, Musician Directory and Music Business Directory

2:18:30 MUSIC IN COMMUNITY: festivals, venues, and tourism
- Artist check-ins: Lance Mitchell // Annie Bartholomew // Cody Herron-Webb (
- Eric Gilbert (Treefort Music Fest, Boise, ID), festival organizer - Why we made Treefort the way we did
- Qacung and Taylor Vidic (Áak'w Rock), festival organizers - Creating a world class Indigenous music festival in Juneau
- Taylor Vidic (Áak'w Rock, Crystal Saloon, Nude & Rude Revue Burlesque), festival organizer and event producer
- Liz Perry (Travel Juneau) - Tourism, music, and a healthy local ecosystem
- Andrea Antoine (BBAAD Productions), concert presenter - We need to present all genres in Alaska

3:09:17 MUSIC AND MONEY: grant opportunities and funding
- Artist check-ins: Air Jazz (Arias Hoyle) // Chazz Gist // Emily Anderson
- Enzina Marrari and Keren Lowell (Rasmuson Foundation), Individual Artist Awards liaisons
- Ira Perman (Atwood Foundation), executive director

- Marian Call (AKIMI), closing remarks and sponsor thanks
- Emily Anderson, closing remarks on behalf of Zoom moderation team
- Conversation and farewells by Zoom participants
- (not on film) Closing conversation in Juneau, all participants invited to speak

Thanks to our sponsors:

The Atwood Foundation
Alaska State Council on the Arts
Frostline Productions
Studio A
City and Borough of Juneau
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council
The Rookery Cafe

The 2023 AK Music Summit crew:
Frostline Studios - Hannah Pratt, Derek Haukaas, Richard Cooper (film and livestream)
Studio A - Betsy Sims and Axel Gillam (sound gear and live audio)
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council - Reggie Schapp and Kathleen Harper (facility production coordinators)
Marian Call (event producer & production coordinator)
Yngvil Vatn Guttu (event co-producer)
Cameron Brockett (virtual stage manager)
Zac Pease (Juneau house manager)
Pat Race (video presentations, slides, and livestream support)
Emily Anderson, Lauren Peterson, Lisa Hawkins, and Dave Emmert (Zoom moderators)
Poetica - Emily Tallman (Poster and logo design)

Resources from the 2023 Summit

Searching for something you heard talked about, and can’t quite find it in the presenter links above? We may have it here. Links from the Zoom chat and from presenters:

All-around useful info:

Programs and grants to apply to:

Alaska music and arts institutions, mainly those mentioned at the event:

Some specific businesses, artists, and bonuses from the chat: