Office Hours with MusicAlaska
January 12th at Organic Oasis - Alaska Music Summit
Join Anchorage participants with the Alaska Music Summit for the in-person Office Hours networking event on Sunday, Jan. 12th from noon-3pm. Meet other musicians, ask questions of experts, and spend time building community. Register for the Alaska Music Summit to attend.
November 19th at 7pm: Music and Film - registration closed
This month's topic is Music and Film, a discussion about licensing music, commercial work, creating soundtracks, making music videos, and more. We'll have a panel discussion with our guest experts, learn some practical how-tos, and have open Q&A for all attendees. Our guest panelists:
Richard Cooper and Derek Haukaas, Frostline Studios
Patrick Race, Lucid Reverie Creative Design
Office Hours are small group learning and discussion sessions with Alaskan experts on topics our music community cares about. In 2024, AKIMI hosts pay-as-you-can online Office Hours sessions once a month on Zoom, February through December, and in-person office hours in collaboration with the University of Alaska Department of Music.
Attendees will have time in a small group setting to ask their individual questions, see special presentations, and get personalized advice. Sessions are recorded, and those who register will receive access to the recording as well as links to resources after the session ends.
Previous Office Hours:
January 2024: Anchorage music mentoring session (live at UAA)
February 2024: Promoting for Radio // Loren Dixon, KNBA, Dave Emmert, KCAW, Shonti Elder, KSKA
March 2024: Show Biz: How to be a High-Falutin’ Band in a Low-Falutin’ Town // Mr. Whitekeys
May 2024: So You Want to Tour in Alaska // Tyson Davis, Black Water Railroad, and Kat Moore, The Forest that Never Sleeps
June 2024: Music Educator Round Table // Laura Forbes, Education Program Director, Alaska State Council for the Arts
July 2024: Deep Dive into the Alaska Music Census data // Marian Call, AKIMI Program Director
August 2024: Branding, Promotion, and Social Media // Lisa Hawkins, Pipeline Vocal Project, Taylor Vidic, Muskeg Collective and Áak’w Rock Indigenous Music Festival, and artist Bethlehem Shalom
October 2024: Grants and How to Get Them // Jess Peña, Fairbanks Arts Association and Yngvil Vatn Guttu, Northern Culture Exchange
Future Office Hours topics include writing grants and creative funding, taxes for musicians, promoting on Youtube, audio engineering and production, how rights and royalties work, and more.
Registration opens about a month in advance and closes about three hours before the event. To stay informed about upcoming Office Hours, sign up for our email newsletter below.